My favorite albums of 2014
•NFL Logos as Dicks, brought to you by Kissing Suzy Kolber
•Too Many Cooks
•Man I haven’t posted anything here in quite some time, mostly ’cause I’ve been focused on other things, but something came up today that is basically exactly what this site is all about. You’re seeing it pop up on AVClub, on IO9, and everywhere else that collects awesome things on the internet, because this is the most…
Got 4 hours? Here’s some music
•A while back I asked my Facebook and Twitter friends to suggest songs over 8 minutes in length for a mix. And I got a ton of great suggestions in by far the longest Facebook comment thread that has ever appeared on my timeline. Then I largely ignored them all and put together this mix…
A Blue Line Tribute Mix
This morning’s CTA blue line derailment at O’Hare airport ( Chicago Tribune Breaking News, WGN TV, Chicagoist ) immediately brought to my mind the 2 songs I could think of about that particular piece of Chicago’s public transit system, which are Local H’s Blue Line and pinebender’s Simp Twister. I figured there must be more out…
2013, Year of the Doglion
•A few 2013 songs to tide you over
Currently my favorite thing ever on Tumblr
Click through for the whole thing but this is my new favorite thing in the whole of today
But apparently it’s originally from here: http://twistedspeedo.com/
And now for something completely different... an exploding whale