NFL Logos as Dicks, brought to you by Kissing Suzy Kolber
I love this set of NFL Logos as dicks posted on the super-funny sports blog Kissing Suzy Kolber earlier today,…

I love this set of NFL Logos as dicks posted on the super-funny sports blog Kissing Suzy Kolber earlier today,…
Man I haven’t posted anything here in quite some time, mostly ’cause I’ve been focused on other things, but something…
Click through for the whole thing but this is my new favorite thing in the whole of today But apparently…
From io9: http://io9.com/i-cant-stop-watching-this-whale-explode-1472134349?utm_campaign=socialflow_io9_facebook&utm_source=io9_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
So here we are, a year later, 2 weeks into 2013 and well past time for me to post my Top 20 albums of 2012. A note on process: I choose these albums using a highly unscientific semi-random pseudo-bubblesort method, taking into account my initial impressions, whether they grow or fade on me, how I’m…